There are several methods the modern organizations uses to keep their employees motivated. These methods can be mainly broken into two. Monetarily vs non monetarily motivation.
Non Monetarily Motivation.
Non monetarily motivation can be related to:
• Position, Designation or Promotion
• Recognition
• Level of relationship with one’s hierarchy & subordinates.
• Goals & tasks
• Work environment (Office space, working tools, working hours etc.,)
There are steps that a manager can take to help motivate their employees. First, the manager should always give the employee reasonable goals and set a time period to accomplish each goal. The goals should be work related, and once a set of goals has been reached, a new set of goals should be created. Second, a manager should always remember to treat his or her employees fairly, as this will create a positive environment for all employees, and it will help satisfy the employees’ needs. Third, managers can also restructure jobs to help motivate their employees, by adjusting the employees’ job descriptions (Randall et al, 2006). Rotation of jobs - involves moving employees through a range of jobs to increase interest and motivation (Panait & Panait, 2018).
Monetarily Motivation.
Monetarily motivation methods can be related
• Salary or Salary raise
• Commission
• Bonuses
• Dividends
• Foreign Trips
• Gifts
Financial incentives and rewards make continuation of the employment relationship because it create the basis for high levels of commitment so, firms must develop strategies that include financial incentives and rewards for example promotion, bonus, profit sharing or gain sharing and employees stock ownership etc (Saleem, 2011).
Panait and Panait (2018). Trends in Non-Financial Motivation Policies of Employees. Global Economic Observer, 6(1), pp.148–153.
Randall, Novotny and Larson (2006). Is it Really all about the Money?: Motivating Employees in the 21st Century. Journal of Undergraduate Research at Minnesota State University, Mankato, 6(18), pp.2–8.
Saleem (2011). The Impact of Financial Incentives on Employees Commitment. European Journal of Business and Management, 3(4), pp.258–266.